Speech by MOS Low Yen Ling at the Signing Ceremony of Institute of Engineers, Singapore (IES)-China Association of Science and Technology (CAST) Memorandum of Understanding & Mutual Recognition Agreement

Speech by MOS Low Yen Ling at the Signing Ceremony of Institute of Engineers, Singapore (IES)-China Association of Science and Technology (CAST) Memorandum of Understanding & Mutual Recognition Agreement

Her Excellency Sun Haiyan (孙海燕), Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore, 尊敬的孙 海燕大使

Mr Dalson Chung, President of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore,

Prof. ZHANG Yuzhuo, Vice President and Executive Secretary of CAST,

Prof. Gong Ke, past President of WFEO,

Prof. He Huawu, Vice President of CSE,

Prof. Wang Shuguo, President of Xi'an Jiaotong university, President of China engineering education accreditation association

Dr. Luo Hui, Director-General of the Department of International Affairs, CAST

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


1. Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me to today’s signing ceremony. I am pleased to join you in witnessing this new partnership between our engineering societies that will contribute to deeper and closer Singapore-China bilateral relations.

2. Let me continue in Mandarin:



3. 今天非常荣幸受邀出席见证新加坡工程师学会和中国科学技术协会,签署谅解备忘录和相互 承认协议(MRA)的仪式。

4. 新中关系源远流长,坚定稳固。长期以来,两国有着外交、经贸以及民间多方面的紧密联 系。自 2013 年开始,中国就成为新加坡最大的贸易伙伴。而新加坡不仅是中国“一带一路” 沿 线最主要的投资目的地,也连续九年成为中国最大的外来投资国。

5. 新中两国也不断在新的领域,开拓合作机遇,确保双边的合作,与时俱进。新加坡总理李显 龙和中国国家主席习近平,去年 10 月通话时,对绿色经济和数码经济等新兴领域的合作,表示欢迎。双方也在去年 12 月的新中双边合作联合委员会会议上,重申在绿色发展和数码经济 领域合作的意愿。

6. 经过紧密的沟通和协商,新中两国在这两个新兴领域的合作,有了初步的成果。最近,新加 坡贸工部颜金勇部长和中国商务部王文涛部长,就签署了关于绿色发展和数码经济合作的谅 解备忘录。两国将携手在绿色发展和数码经济领域,如低碳能源、绿色建筑、绿色金融、数 码化服务、电子商务和数码安全等方面,探索新机遇,为疫情后的经济发展提供新的动力。 两国也会鼓励双方的企业和行业协会,在绿色和数码经济领域,加强合作。

7. 要落实绿色发展和数码经济的发展蓝图,有一个先决条件,那就是必须有一批掌握高端科学 技术的人才,也就是我们的工程师和科学技术专才。我们周围有许许多多的例子,从低碳能 源的研发和发电设施的建造,到通讯设施以及网络安全的设置等等,可以说,没有工程师、 没有科学技术的生活,是难以想象的。这也让我回想起今年二月,我陪同哈莉玛总统出席北 京冬奥会的开幕式,就见证了一场艺术和科技完美结合的视觉盛宴!这场表演既有艺术上的 高度,更有技术上的难度,有了工程师,更加强了表演的震撼度!上两周我刚和孙海燕大使 在新加坡河畔俯瞰市区,见到了新加坡环境绿化方面的一些小成果,也谈到新中两国在发展 数码经济方面,所能够进行的合作。今天很高兴合作这么快就得到落实,可说是验证了新加 坡和中国超高的效率程度!

8. 我希望今天签署的谅解备忘录以及相互承认协议,能促进两国工程师和科学技术团体之间的 交流和经验分享,提升双方的工程技术水平。希望在不久的将来,两国的工程师可以恢复进 行互访,通过面对面的交流建立新的人脉,探寻新的合作机遇。

9. 接下来,我将以英语继续发言。Let me continue in English.

Cooperation amongst engineers is key to tackling shared challenges

Ladies and Gentlemen,

10. As our Singapore-China relations continue to grow from strength to strength, we are constantly exploring new possibilities for cooperation. Professional services like engineering is a potential area of growth that can play a vital role in the development of our countries and future. Both Singapore and China face many challenges such as urban management, sustainable development and climate change. Engineers possess systematic thinking and problem-solving skills which are valuable and critical in addressing these issues. With their expertise, we can capture many emerging opportunities on the horizon.

11. The Memorandum of Understanding and Mutual Recognition Agreement to be signed later are important steps in this direction. Engineers from Singapore and China will benefit from this significant cooperation between The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) and the China Association of Science and Technology (CAST). We will promote exchanges on the professional front between our countries. With harmonised standards and lower barriers, engineers from Singapore and China can practise in both countries and expand beyond their current borders. They will be able to hone their craft, widen their skills and gain invaluable experience and exposure across different markets and industries. All these opportunities will catalyse greater knowledge and innovation. We can also look forward to new partnerships that will spur new business possibilities and fresh projects between Singapore and China.

12. I am certain that the close collaboration between IES and the CAST will contribute to our existing bilateral cooperation in sustainability and the digital economy. To advance in areas such as low-carbon energy, green buildings, and digital trade, we will need deep technical expertise and novel engineering solutions. Singapore is keen to strengthen its capabilities in these fields and will benefit greatly from more exchanges with China. Therefore, I encourage Singapore and Chinese engineers to take advantage of these platforms to learn from each other. Organisations such as IES and CAST also play an important role in supporting our engineers’ professional development. In addition, the two partners are well-positioned to draw businesses, experts, academics and other stakeholders together to foster closer bonds and collaboration between Singapore and China. We look forward to the new possibilities today’s milestone agreement will generate. As we push new boundaries of cooperation and growth, the next big thing in engineering may just emerge from our midst.


13. On that note, let me congratulate IES and CAST on this forward-looking MOU and MRA signing. I am confident that this partnership will benefit our engineers, the wider society and our Singapore-China relations. Together, we can advance and promote the science, art, and profession of engineering to overcome our shared challenges. Thank you!

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