What is an AfA?

The Singapore Together Alliances for Action (AfA) Model

The AfA model is based on three key principles: (1) industry-led and government supported; (2) agility; and (3) bias to action.

Click here for an infographic on the three key principles of the AfA model.

Experience from past AfAs suggest that an AfA model is most suitable if the following key conditions are met:

Clearly defined joint goal(s).This is critical for meaningful participation and collaboration. The ability to rally industry around common problem(s) and forge private-public alignment on the goals of the AfA is necessary for an AfA to succeed.

Sprinting together.To maximise the effectiveness of the AfA model, proposals must be achievable within a compressed timeline of three to six months.

Commitment from private and public sector members.Both private and public sector members of the potential AfA must be committed to drive the work of the AfA, and to contribute organisational resources and personal networks to this work.

Ability to market-test proposed solutions and MVPs.In the spirit of entrepreneurship and in line with the AfAs' 'startup' approach, there must be room to market-test the proposed MVPs developed by the AfA, so as to allow the MVPs to be continually refined and improved.

Have an idea for an AfA?

Do you have an idea for an AfA? Submit your AfA proposal to Future_Economy@mti.gov.sg. For the proposals to be considered, they should include information on:

  • Leading (minimum two) and supporting private sector organisations that have committed to resource and execute the AfA

  • Objectives and proposed focus areas of the AfA, including specific details of the proposed pilots, prototypes, or MVPs

  • Estimated duration of the AfA

  • Desired outcomes of the AfA
Future Economy
The Alliances for Action (AfA)
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