Speech by MOS Low Yen Ling at SPH Chinese Media Group and Nanfang Media Group's Explore Greater Bay Area (GBA) Event: Singapore-GBA E-Chat

Speech by MOS Low Yen Ling at SPH Chinese Media Group and Nanfang Media Group's Explore Greater Bay Area (GBA) Event: Singapore-GBA E-Chat

尊敬的广东省委宣传部常务副部长 刘红兵先生

Executive Director-General of Guangdong Publicity Department, Mr Liu Hong Bing,


新加坡报业控股华文媒体集团社长 李慧玲女士

Head of Chinese Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), Ms Lee Huay Leng,


南方报业传媒集团总编辑 黄常开先生

Editor-in-Chief of Nanfang Media Group, Mr Huang Chang Kai,



Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen - good morning!


很 高 兴 今 天 能 够 和 大 家 一 同 出 席《大 湾 区 新 知 》的 上 线仪 式。

Happy to join everyone at the Singapore-Greater Bay Area E-Chat (大湾区新知) co-organised by the SPH Chinese Media Group and Nanfang Media Group.


新加坡和中国有着牢固而且多方面的紧密联系,今年两国正式建交30周年。尽管 面 对 疫 情 带 来 的 挑 战,双方的企业和媒体界, 仍然 合 作 无 间,创立了一个又一个的里程碑。

Singapore and China share a strong and multifaceted relationship, and we are commemorating the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic relations this year. Despitethe challenges due to the pandemic, I am heartened by the continued collaboration between our businesses and our media circles, creating milestones one after another.



At the 16 th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation co-chaired by DPM Heng Swee Keat and PRC Vice Premier Han Zheng last week, both sides agreed that Singapore and China can forge closer economic cooperation, including in China’s regional development strategies, such as the development of the Greater Bay Area.



Such cooperation would bring benefits to our businesses and people.



With the Greater Bay Area, Singapore has also shared strong historical, people and economic ties for decades.



Over the years, we have established various platforms and projects with the Greater Bay Area covering many areas of cooperation such as trade and investment, smart cities, financial services, innovation, and intellectual property.



The Singapore-Guangdong Collaboration Council, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City and Singapore-China (Shenzhen) Smart City initiative are examples of key platforms and projects in the Greater Bay Area that provide regular touchpoints between our Governments and enterprises.



In fact, our relationship goes beyond economic partnerships and extends into deep historical people-to-people ties between Singapore and the Greater Bay Area.



I am therefore pleased to be here today to witness the start of another important collaboration with our steadfast friend.



The Singapore-Greater Bay Area E-Chat project (大湾区新知) launched today holds great promise.





The microsite and virtual dialogue sessions will not only allow both sides to exchange ideas and perspectives – but also maintain the momentum of our engagements and help us stay up to date with new developments in our regions. Although Singapore is about to enter into Phase Three of re-opening, many uncertainties remain. The setting up of this microsite has opened up a new channel for bilateral cooperation and interaction.



I hope that Singapore and the Greater Bay Area will continue to explore new ways of collaborating with each other.



Today, the Greater Bay Area contributes about 12 percent of China’s GDP. If its growth trajectory continues, it will reach $3.6 trillion by 2030 – almost the size of Germany’s economy today.


根据中国 “十四五 ”规划建议,大湾区将发展建设成为全球领先的国际科技创新中心之一。

As part of proposals for China’s 14 th Five Year Plan, the Greater Bay Area has been designated as one of the international science and technology innovation centres to be developed.



Shenzhen, for example, has announced a comprehensive set of pilot reforms to become a global innovation powerhouse.



These plans will create many opportunities for Singapore to continue to actively engage with and learn from the Greater Bay Area.



I would like to thank everyone at Lianhe Zaobao for their tireless efforts in planning and designing the microsite. I look forward to seeing more collaborations between Singapore and China in the near future.


衷心祝愿《大湾区新知》网络专题上线成功。再过两周就是2021年了,在这里也预祝大家在新的一年里,宏图大展,生意兴隆,业务蒸蒸日上,新年快乐 !谢谢!

I wish you a successful project launch. As 2021 will be arriving in 2 weeks, I would like to wish everyone prosperity and happiness in the new year. Thank you.

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