Oral reply to PQ on ASEAN power grid and electricity sustainability

Oral reply to PQ on ASEAN power grid and electricity sustainability


Mr Dennis Tan: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry (a) whether the Government envisions a larger role for Singapore in realising the ASEAN Power Grid; and (b) whether the Government is considering direct investments in renewable and sustainable cross-border electricity infrastructure to ensure electricity sustainability.

Oral Answer (to be attributed to Second Minister for Trade and Industry Dr Tan See Leng)

1. The ASEAN Power Grid is ASEAN’s vision to integrate the national power systems of its ten member states. This will create opportunities for mutual support and electricity trading among the member states. The support of all ASEAN member states is necessary to realise this vision. Singapore is committed to playing our part.

2. Singapore has been working with various countries on pathfinder projects such as the Lao PDR- Thailand- Malaysia- Singapore Power Integration Project. We have also signed several Memoranda of Understanding with like-minded countries such as Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam to advance our collective energy interests and facilitate regional decarbonisation. Last week, Indonesia and Singapore signed the MOU on Renewable Energy Cooperation where we will collaborate on cross-border electricity trading projects. We are also working with the US on a feasibility study on regional energy connectivity to support the development of the ASEAN Power Grid.

3. The ASEAN Power Grid can facilitate ASEAN’s decarbonization efforts. There is significant renewable energy potential in the Southeast Asia region. Building energy interconnections can help to realize this potential by joining the producing regions to the consumption points.

4. At this point in time, the Government does not intend to invest directly in cross-border infrastructure. Our focus is to work with regional partners to provide the framework, regulations, and ecosystem that will enable commercial players to build the infrastructure. We will continue to work closely with regional partners and with this year’s ASEAN Chair, Indonesia, to realise the ASEAN Power Grid.

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